Actual numbers of C – virus

Now it is the 24 May 2020

There has come out a study that confirms the low Infection Fatality Rate – IFR. This shows that and suggests that this was a planned pandemic. How could Fauci know in 2017 that there would be a surprise outbreak? What is the reason that a french doctor and an american doctor experience that hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin works and that it is similar symptoms as malaria? It might not be a solution for everyone but this is the case for most medicine you can get today.

Ivette Lozano on treating patients

The study from Swiss policy research shows the global low IFR

Study on IFR

Then you can boost your immune system with at least 50 microgram Vitamin D and you can take Vitamin C. There is studies for both that you can read.


When you make your own research and listen to the doctors who have tested for antibodies in some studies you will find out that the actual Infection Fatality Rate is about 0.1% of the infected population. When you take the chance of death for the whole population then it is about 0.03% of the population in a country.

Here is a link for a youtube video which describe a doctor in California who has come with numbers. There is a link under the video for the whole briefing. There is another study from Standford and California which shows the same thing.

This ER Doctor Just NUKED Fauci’s Pandemic Fraud Straight to Hell!

Dr Erickson Covid-19 Briefing

In University of Oxford in Center of Evidenced Based Medicine confirms what the doctors in California has come to the same conclusions:

Center of Evidenced Based Medicine

An interview with Dr Judith Mikovits who is a former researcher in immunology and she has a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Interview with researcher Judith Mikovits

Perspective on the pandemic with professor Knut Wittkowski

Professor Knut Wittkowski Update Interview

Dr Ioanmidis is a Professor, Epidemiology and Population Health

Dr. Ioannidis on Results of Coronavirus Studies

I have used and calculated for different countries both

IFR= Infection Fatality Rate


Population = chance of death for the whole population


Cases 33865
Tested 280900

12% positive

39.5 mio people
equates about 4.7 mio people
which means it is widespread the good news
1227 1220 deaths with isolation
possible incidence or prevelence of 4.7 mio
0.03% chance of dying
2018 50- 60 mio people flu
43545 deaths
37000- 60000 deaths with flu every year US similar death rate
mio of cases small amount of deaths

Cases 256272 39% of population positive
Tested 649325
likely have 7.5 mio cases
some social distance pred 100 of mio of deaths been inaccurate
deaths 19410 out of 19 mio people 0.1% chance of dying
92 % recovery rate
Fauci predicted mio of cases deaths willfully wrong
mio of cases small amount of deaths

Cases 15322 19.7% 18640
Tested 74600 94500
10.4 mio population
extrapolate numbers¨
about 2 mio cases
little social distancing
deaths 2194 no isolation IFR 0.1097% Chance of death 0.02%
/self isolation
mio of cases small amount of deaths

Cases 7191 4.9%
Tested 145279
Population 5.4 mio
extrapolate cases 1.3 mio
deaths 182
insignificant stastistic 0.003% chance of death death rate
97% recovery

flu US 24000 to 62000 deaths every year
45 mio cases flu 2017 62000 deaths 0.13% chance of death -death rate
other number were 0.02%

lethality of covid19 is much less
went over the deaths 0.1% deaths
widespread small amount of deaths its similar to flu
as a matter of fact if we follow the science
the science this data generated by CDC WHO
mentioned by Dr Erickson CA

Cases 8698 5.58%
Tested 155810
Population about 5.8 mio people
extrapolate numbers cases 324800
deaths 422
IFR 0.13%
0.007% chance of death

Cases 153584 7.4%
Tested 2072669
Population about 83.7 mio
extrapolate numbers 6.2 mio 0.09% IFR
deaths 5577 0.0067%

Cases 189973 12%
Tested 1579909
extrapolate numbers 7.3 mio
deaths 25549 IFR 0.35%
Population 60.5 mio
Chance of death 0.04%

Cases 158183 34%
Tested 463662
Extrapolate numbers 22.2 mio
deaths 21856 IFR 0.098%
chance of death 0.03%

Cases 219764 23.6%
Tested 930230
extrapolate numbers 11044800
deaths 22524 IFR 0.2%
population 0.048% of 45.8 mio people

Cases 143464 23.4%
Tested 612031
extrapolate numbers 15865200
deaths 19506 IFR 0.12%
Population 0.029%

S Korea
Cases 10708 1.82%
Tested 589520
extrapolate numbers 933660
deaths 240 IFR 0.03%
population 0.0005%

Cases 101790 12.9%
Tested 791906
extrapolate numbers 10861800
deaths 2941 IFR 0.03%
population 0.003%

Cases 88194 22.1%
Tested 399927
extrapolate numbers 18519800
deaths 5574 IFR 0.03%
Population 0.007%

Cases 890719 18,47%
Tested 4822416
extrapolate numbers 61080290
deaths 50836 IFR 0.08%
Population 0.02%

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Sabbaton σάββατον

The word Sabbaton has two meanings:



The evidence for this conclusion is these sites

When you go through these scriptures,

Matt 28:1, Mark 16:1-2, Mark 16:9, Luke 18:12, John 20:1, 20:19, Acts 20:7, 1 Co 16:2,


Matt 28:1, Mark 16:1-2, John 20:1, John 20:19, Mark 16:9,  1 Co 16:2

mian sabbaton, mia ton sabbaton, mia sabbaton, mian sabbatou
in English is used with the meaning the first day of the week
sabbatou is used twice with the meaning week

In Genesis God uses evening and morning the first day.

Interesting is the word in Leviticus 23 about the first day in the week .

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I am sharing the news I have seen.

Do your own research, think critically of the news that you see.

Catholic Church exposed, I recommend you to see the playlist and look in the scripture for yourself

Catholic Church Exposed

False words

False words

Catholicism Playlist

Jade Helm 15 Globally

Overthrow of Yanukovych Was a Coup


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I have been without work for a while and it is expensive for me to travel to Germany to visit my family. In Italy I have also family from my father’s side. I also need to buy some new things. A bike is important and I wish  I could buy other things like a laptop, a camera, a new cell phone,  maybe visit some Asian countries.

Do you want to help me?

Then you can make a donation


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News about Copenhagen

Islamiströrelsen i Danmark: ”Muslimer ska inte ta avstånd från våldet”

News about Sweden!qxAguyQYzmXg/

News outside the nordic countries

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It is good to be with friends, that you will experience different things like walking in the nature or to be by the sea when it is warm or to play volleyball in the summer or to be at a Carneval where you are working together after it ends.

Here is where you see dancers at the Hammrkullefestival or Carneval



Here it is animal and clothes from northern Sweden



Now we have friends in different places, Gothenburg





Some architecture from different places near Gothenburg, Malmö







The following pictures are from Copenhagen, Lyngby










A picture of a Duck, that might remind people of the writer and Author H.C. Andersen who has written famous tales.


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I have been with friends from China, Taiwan, Japan, USA and Europe. It is the best thing that I know to be together with international people. That is the reason that I the last year have been together with friends from Hammarkullen, an area which is in the north of Gothenburg.

One of the first times I were there I met an old friend which I have met between 1990 and 2000.

These friends are from China, Taiwan and Sweden at the old lady’s home in Gothenburg. She has been in USA and have started the international home group.


This picture is from December 2010 at a home from a Church where there have been people from South Korea, China, USA and Japan. The Japanese is missing.


Next to me is two persons from Japan, Netherlands, China and USA. In the back from USA and Sweden


Here I am together with my Father.


I like this picture because the Japanese have Yukata on them, it is a light form of Kimono. It was Gothenburg for Japan, because the earthquake with the Tsunami stroke in Japan in the month of March 2011




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The year 2012

The spring time I were at Café Down Stairs, a café for homeless people, where most of them are drug users or Alcoholics, but they can also mix this.

I have been in a Chinese group, because I feel myself home, and it does not matter that it is in Chinese, maybe I can start learning Chinese and understand it.

Hammarkullen is an open and good place, you can easily speak with people and there are some activities throughout the year as Hammarkullen Carneval.



At MAria and Oskars place and I am holding Noa



Chinese Dumplings, It is delicious



Shuman is an exchange student and helps at Café Down Stairs, a Café for homeless people, a part of the homeless are drug users.


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How you avoid get infected with Trojan or other malware

Yesterday, when I wanted to download free youtube downloader I got infected. How did this happen, am I stupid?

No, It is not the downloader, it is when you install the downloader, that you have to be careful and very cautious of what to accept.

One step is that you can tic if you want to keep your pc clean

Who does not want to keep your PC clean and maybe use a program?

This is how I got infected with Optimizer Pro a Trojan, a fake of the PC optimizer you can buy.

This is what you should do instead, tic the mark off

Then you will avoid being infected.

This is social engineering, do not fall for that.

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